Many people find their way to Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine by way of seeking out acupuncture for their companion animals. Acupuncture is becoming more well-known because it yields favorable results in a great number of patients for a variety of ailments. Some well informed folks are ... [Continue Reading]
Acupuncture basics
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) is a system of medicine that has been in existence for 4,000 years. TCVM is comprised of 5 branches, which include: acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Tui-na (gentle massage and acupressure), food therapy and exercise (for our 4 legged species, we ... [Continue Reading]
Does Acupuncture Hurt??
This is one of the most common concerns I hear in my acupuncture practice. One I can understand since acupuncture is, after all, a practice that involves inserting needles into skin and tissues. In practice, many pets have no reaction at all to needle placement. Some, like Grace in the video below, ... [Continue Reading]